Charcoalition throws down the gauntlet – two appeals are better than one – Media Release May 13th 2002

Monday 13 May 2002


The Minister for Planning Dr. Andrew Refshauge’s ill-advised announcement last week, which gave the go-ahead to the building of a heavy industry charcoal factory, has given a green light to the community to build a case to overturn this decision. The Charcoalition, as advocates for communities and businesses for a charcoal free south coast, announced today that they had instructed their Solicitors to commence work on an appeal against the approval.

Chris Kowal, spokesperson for the Coastwatchers Charcoalition committee, said “The community needs to understand that this appeal is independent of any actions that Eurobodalla Shire Council may take, and it will require substantial funds from the community. We have received many generous donations to our legal fighting fund account at the IMB, but we encourage the community to continue to dig deep into their pockets and donate more. Our goal is $100,000.

Eurobodalla Shire Council will also file an appeal in the Land and Environment Court, against the Minister’s decision. But Council will only proceed with this action if the community agrees. A decision on this should be made in mid June 2002.

“If the case is won in the Land & Environment Court, the cost to the community for Council’s action should be significantly less than $500,000 and consequently represents a small price to pay for getting rid of this monstrosity”, Chris said.

Chris continued, “The higher estimates given to Council were for a worst case scenario of action in several courts over a protracted period. I believe the reality will be quite different”

“While the Charcoalition is willing to go it alone, if Council also proceeded with their appeal, it would increase the likelihood of success because of the additional technical expertise and financial resources.”

Chris made an emotional plea to the community “The Charcoalition urges every person in the community, and every non-resident ratepayer, to think carefully about the impacts of this charcoal factory. It will mean changes to our communities, businesses, environment and property values just to name a few. Any possible short term costs to ratepayers in supporting Council in this action are minor compared to the horrific costs that the charcoal factory would inflict on us for the next twenty years and beyond.”

All inquiries about the Coastwatchers Charcoalition Legal Fighting Fund should be directed to Treasurer Margaret Allen 02 4471 2512 or

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