It’s Official – Charcoal Free Victory for the Nature Coast

Issued 3 October 2002
Media Release
The Charcoalition appeal in the Land and Environment Court, against the NSW Minister for Planning’s decision granting an approval to build a charcoal factory near Broulee, was upheld last Wednesday. Before Justice Lloyd all parties put three orders to the court.:
1) that the appeal be upheld;
2) that the development application be withdrawn;
3) that costs be reserved.

The three orders sought were made.

The first two orders were agreed to by Planning NSW and Australian Silicon and accordingly the court found in favour of the appellants. In respect to the third order regarding costs, the court requested that the appellants present documentation to the court in 14 days.

Spokesperson for Charcoalition Chris Kowal said “It’s official now, the community has a Charcoal-Free victory for the Nature Coast and that means that businesses and communities up and down the Coast are the big winners. It means the voice of the community does count and Governments that ignore the community do so at their peril.”

Responding to comments made in Parliament by the Premier, Mr Kowal said “This outcome has saved the NSW taxpayer over $70 million in concessions and subsidies to set this development up. Also, the nature based tourism economy in south east NSW has been saved, this secures the Nature Coasts future and means there will be no net job losses for the Eurobodalla as a result of the courts decision. Tourism is worth over $700 million annually and employs over 6000 people across the region”.

For more information contact
Chris Kowal Ph/fax 02 4474 3335

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