“No Charcoal” Rally Puts Forests on Hotlist for NSW Election

South East Forest Alliance         The Wilderness Society
Media Release
9 April 2002
‘No Charcoal’ Rally Puts Forests
on Hotlist for NSW Election
Conservation groups today said that Sunday’s successful Sydney Domain rally against plans to woodchip and burn South Coast forests for charcoal had firmly re-instated forest protection on the hot list for the next State election in March 2003.

“This rally was a big wake up call to Bob Carr and his Government,” said Noel Plumb and Glen Klatovsky for the groups.

“The Carr Government is in very real danger of losing the conservation vote through this archaic and barbarous charcoal proposal which would strip mine the South Coast forests.”

“The massive new woodchipping operation will do untold damage to its wildlife, catchments, scenic amenity and the quality of life for residents and visitors. It threatens the economic base of the South Coast, nature based tourism. It has to be the single most irresponsible and damaging forestry proposition since the Eden Woodchip operation was established.”

“We are also seeking discussions with the new Leader of the Opposition, John Brogden, to see if they will have a fresh look at their approach to the issue. At present they just want to shift the plant location, which will not end the threat to forests and catchments.

The Labor Party stands at risk of being stranded on a major conservation issue if the Opposition can be persuaded to support the 80% of the community opposed to woodchipping and burning our forests.”

“Bob Carr needs to kill the charcoal plant idea ‘stone dead’ and very quickly if he is to salvage anything from this mess, including his reputation as a ‘green’ Premier.”

“Forests are certainly back on the political hot list. We are going to campaign strongly on forest protection all the way to the next election to ensure that Bob Carr meets his 1995 election promises to save the forests and to stop woodchipping”

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